Have you ever wondered what IV Therapy is? If you are considering a career in this area, then you have to become familiar with it. You have to become certified first before starting to do Itherapy. Together with hands-on training, then you will be equipped to become successful IV Therapists. Read on for a basic guide to IV therapy!
What is IV Therapy?
Intravenous therapy, also known as IV, refers to a type of therapy that sends fluid into the veins of your body. IV therapy works by injection using a syringe or through infusion, commonly referred to as a drip. In fact, IV therapy is the quickest way to deliver blood products, medications, and more into the bloodstream which can help with various health conditions, blood transfusions and dehydration.
What is an IV Therapist?
An IV therapist is a nurse who administers products and medications via IV to patients with different health conditions. IV therapists will insert the IV to ensure that the patient receives the right dosage of fluid or medication. During the IV process, the therapist observes the patient for any reactions and checks that the IV stays in place.
Where Do IV Therapists Work at?
IV therapists are able to work in various healthcare places because of the need for IVs around the clock. IV therapists can be found in the emergency room where they deliver fluids, pain medication, and more. They can also work in the oncology unit and administer infusion treatments to patients. Other possible facilities include specialty clinics, doctor’s offices, and many more.
How to Become an IV Therapist?
For new students, you need to attend an accredited college or university so you can get a two-year degree in nursing or a Practical Nursing program. You need to be a current RN or LPN. You will also be required to achieve certification in IV Therapy through training programs. During the program, you will gain knowledge about IV therapy and also receive hands-on training in intravenous therapy, IV equipment, drip calculation, regulations, and others. After successful completion, you will obtain the certification needed to practice IV therapy.
How Much Do IV Therapists Earn?
The average base pay for IV therapists is about $53,785 per year. The low end is $39,000 while the high end can be $79,000. The benefits and salary will depend on where you work as well as your location and state.
Is IV Therapy a Good Career?
IV therapists make a huge difference to their patients during their care. They offer knowledgeable treatment, pain relief, and high-quality care for patients. IV therapy is a rewarding and highly satisfying career for those who want to make an impact on others.
Attend Courses at South Florida Healthcare Institute
At South Florida Health Care Institute, we offer quality training courses that include First Aid, CPR, and others. Our trainers have first-hand experience in saving lives so you can have an in-depth perspective. Try it out today! Feel free to contact us for more information.
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