Emergencies happen at the most unexpected times. Being able to determine the type of crisis is just as important as getting BLS training in Boca Raton, Florida. Accurately responding to an emergency can mean life or death to you or the people around you.
In this article, the South Florida Health Care Institute will tackle the common signs of cardiac arrest. If you learn to detect them, you will be able to provide valuable assistance to any medical response teams that will arrive at your aid. It will also help a lot if you invest in ACLS certification in Fort Lauderdale Florida.
Here are the symptoms:
- Breathing difficulties or dyspnoea. This occurs more commonly in women, but males still need to be careful as this can be a sign of a cardiac arrest. It’s accompanied by great fatigue. So, if you feel exhausted for no reason, consult your doctor immediately.
- Excessive sweating. Sweating a lot without doing any strenuous activity can be another symptom. This is due to your blocked arteries needing to exert more effort to pump the right amount of blood around the body.
- Chest pains. This is one of the most commonly recognized symptoms. Heart attacks don’t always come with chest pains, but if it lasts for about 15 minutes, get professional help.
Learning how to respond during emergencies will help lessen the severity of the event. Even getting CPR training in Boca Raton, Florida, can mean a world of difference to the right crisis.
We strive to provide training that can save the lives of people of all ages. So, if you’re in the market, we also have PALS certification in Boca Raton, Florida.
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